seeds of sound

Monday, 28 March 2016

Biotechnology in school

Biotechnology is the use of living systems and organisms to develop or make products, or "any technological application that uses biological systems, living organisms or its products.

From seeds that produce a better, more desirable harvest to sustaining accomplishments in outer space has been sincerely guided by our knowledge and understanding of biology and technology together.

As career option, biotechnology provides versatile and consistent opportunities for students.

Along with a gateway  to careers and professionalism biotechnology in schools is educating a deep understanding of our own functioning and processes at both individual and organizational levels. It gives students a  sound awareness of their environment which is helpful in shaping their development.

With clinical and industrial applications at the core of Biotechnology as a subject there is scope of varied engagement at all classifications ranging from lab experts to data analysts and researchers to start up entrepreneurs.
Prospects like intellectual property and copyright in biotechnology also provide students with an opportunity in field of legal advice and novelty.

There are several agencies regulating growth and development in India. To name a few

Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India

Department of Science and Technology, Ministry of Science and Technology,Government of India

Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council

Council of Scientific and Industrial Research

Association of Biotechnology Led Enterprises

Confederation of Indian Industry

Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry

Likewise, The International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB) - was promoted by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) as a centre of excellence for research and training in genetic engineering and biotechnology for the benefit of developing countries.

 Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) is a UK Research Council and NDPB and is the largest UK public funder of non-medical bioscience. It predominantly funds scientific research institutes and university research departments in the UK.

Today, biotechnology is an area of global academics, research and applications. There are univerties accross the globe in all leading countries providing higher education and specializations in various fields of Biotechnology.

Highlights of biotechnology

Genetics, immunology, micro / cell technology, stem cell technology, micro array, biochemistry and ecosystems, recombinant technology, data management and simulation

Types of biotechnology

Bio pharmacy

Medicinal purposes, healthcare development, vaccines & antibiotics, diagnosis,

Bio services

Analytical testing, laboratory services, bio recognition, IVF, gene therapy

Bio agriculture

Strain improvement, bio engineering, bio Aqua development,

Bio industries

Bio fuels, food preservation, fermentation technology, enzyme engineering, waste management,

Bio informatics

sequencing and structure definition, data analysis and coalition, testing interpretation, online tool development

Sunday, 27 March 2016

Vatsalya - Ma - Mother

"Mother" is not just a person who gives birth. Neither is "Mother" just the land that provides, nor just nature that nurtures. "Mother" is also an emotion and an instinct that roots in our goodness and compassion. There is a part of "Mother" in all of us that we must carry through,  together, in our differences. Because "a Mother" is beyond definitions and salutations.

Mother is a moment one greets the worlds. Mother is a language one understands it's own self with.
Mother is a dream, we all have.

Mother's dream

Friday, 25 March 2016

Ambivalence and polarity

The color of any object is that fraction of light that it does not have and rather reflects to our eyes. We see black as white and white as black, illuded by the spectrum of totality.

We come to interpret the world around us, eventually, independent and isolated from reality. Thats where conscience and polarity arises.